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Touch Heaven Ministries is an apostolic & prophetic ministry with a firm foundation in the Word of God, seeking always to give Glory and Honor to God our Father, Jesus our Savior, and His Precious Holy Spirit.
Our Vision
To Prepare The Way For The Coming Of The Lord


We direct our ministry to a threefold mission:

  • To the Nations, all countries and peoples of the world, to whom we call to repent ― and for the Lord to heal and restore the lands.

  • To the Church, as a driving force of energy to prepare for the return of the Messiah, as He is coming back to claim a church that is pure, holy, blameless, without spot or wrinkle.

  • To Israel, as a voice that her God assures that, He shall preserve her as a people and a nation forever. The Messiah is coming to Jerusalem, the apple of the Father’s eye. We have been called to serve the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant, as a voice to the sons of Isaac and to the sons of Ishmael; to proclaim that the promises of the God of Abraham are equally and eternally abundant with mercy and grace. 


How We Fulfill The Mission

We fulfill our mission to prepare the way for the coming of The Lord through the equipping of the Body through evangelism, affirmation, discipleship, and activation of gifts and callings and purpose.​


  • Share the good news of the Gospel of God’s Kingdom to the poor in spirit, the brokenhearted, the captive, the blind, the oppressed, and the sick and to everyone on the face of the earth and by any means available.



  • Lead new believers and new members to become disciples and strong Kingdom leaders, founded on Kingdom values and the apostolic doctrine: whereby, renewing their mentality to become totally transformed in body, soul, and spirit.



  • Train, equip, perfect, and help every disciple discover and carry out their purpose, calling, and God’s will for their lives: leading them to discover their identity as God’s children with rights, privileges, inheritance, and responsibilities in God’s Kingdom.



  • Commission every disciple to carry out God’s will and reach their destiny, taking it wherever they go: to send leaders equipped with powerful weapons needed to extend the Kingdom of God by force by casting out demons, healing the sick, performing signs, miracles, and wonders: by raising the dead, preaching, teaching, and prophesying the mysteries of the Kingdom to cause a reform and impact society: to empower them to do these things in order to transfer a legacy of blessings, prosperity, and justice to future generations.

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About Frank Amedia and Touch Heaven Ministries:

Frank Amedia has been active throughout the world for over 40 years, having ministered on every continent. He received his commission in 1980 in an amazing encounter with the Messiah and was told then that he would be used to Prepare The  Way and that his ministry would accelerate as the last days drew near.

A few years back, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to him: " If you visit one new church each week for the next 10 years, you will reach only 520 houses of God. Be obedient to my path, and you will be my voice to the world through media and the other highways that I send you out on".  

Recently, the call came from Isaac TV in the East -- "we want your program."  For the past year, we have been broadcasting to 65 nations in that portion of the world, including Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Korea, Indonesia, and China. 

We are being stretched throughout the world. We are a small, efficient ministry doing a big work. Through our Touch The Nations program, our churches are expanding in Africa and India. Our school in the wilderness of Kenya is growing.  Souls are being saved everywhere and people are RECEIVING training and BECOMING equipped to be OVERCOMERS! We are making a difference as we present sound teaching with fresh revelation on the firm foundation of the Word, demonstrating the power of God as we minister in the Glory with signs, wonders, and miracles.

Frank and his wife Lorilee have been working in ministry for over 38 years together, speaking nationwide evangelistically as God leads them, pastoring a church in Canfield, OH, for over 10 years, and have founded New Creation Woman and POTUS Shield.

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10 Skyline Drive

Canfield Ohio 44406


©2024 Touch Heaven Ministries

Service Times


Wednesday Breakout Service - 6:30 PM

Sunday Service - 9:45 AM


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