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Pastors Frank & Lorilee Amedia

Pastors Frank & Lorilee Amedia
Pastors Frank & Lorilee Amedia

Frank Amedia, together with his wife, Lorilee, are cofounders of Touch Heaven Ministries (THM). THM is an international ministry with daughters and covering churches, as well as sponsored ministries in several countries in Africa and Asia. They also serve as Senior Pastors of Touch Heaven Church in Canfield, Ohio. Pastor Frank’s call is to “prepare the way for the coming of the Lord”. This involves a three-fold mission: to the nations, the Body of Christ, and Israel. Pastor Frank is the host of the “Deep Calls To Deep”.  Pastor Frank received the Lord in 1980 in an encounter with Jesus while passionately seeking the God of Israel as a practicing Jew. He is an evangelist, teacher, and anointed minister of the Gospel with an apostolic mantle. He has been accredited with several incredible prophecies and is a sought-after minister and speaker worldwide. Additionally, Pastor Frank moves in the gifts of healing, miracles, deliverance, words of knowledge, teaching, and is also a skilled piano player and psalmist. Pastor Frank and Pastor Lorilee have been blessed with four children, three sons-in-law, a daughter-in-law, and nine grandchildren. Pastor Lorilee has earned Bachelors & Masters Degrees in Music Education from the Dana School of Music, Youngstown State University; and has pursued Doctoral Studies at Kent State University in Early Childhood Music Education. She has a love for Liturgical Dance and has studied Ballet at YSU, as well as Dalcroze Eurhythmics at KSU, and Juilliard School in NYC. She has accompanied her husband and ministered in dance in many countries. She is also the founder of New Creation Woman worldwide.

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10 Skyline Drive

Canfield Ohio 44406


©2024 Touch Heaven Ministries

Service Times


Wednesday Breakout Service - 6:30 PM

Sunday Service - 9:45 AM


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